CAE Healthcare — Worldwide Training Partner of Choice

OADN Names CAE Healthcare “Training Partner of Choice”

CAE Healthcare Named a Training Partner of Choice for the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN)


July 8, 2019

(read the full story here)

CAE Healthcare and the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) announced today that they will collaborate to provide simulation-based education, training and innovative products and services to OADN members.

The Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of community-based nursing education and strengthening the profession, and we are delighted to collaborate on new programs as their simulation partner of choice,” said Amar Patel, Chief Learning Officer of CAE Healthcare.

CAE Healthcare will provide webinars, curriculum and a special workshop on Essentials of Simulation in November, at the 2019 National OADN Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Members will have access to exclusive offers on the CAE Juno nursing education manikin, which is designed for bedside patient care and emergency situations for nurses.

“Simulation has gained importance as an essential element of the nursing curriculum. OADN is excited to be partnering with CAE Healthcare to deliver simulation- based educational training to faculty and the highest quality simulation experiences to our students,” added Donna Meyer, OADN Chief Executive Officer.

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